Friday, June 12, 2015

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

Teaching in a school district where there are many different types of culture, religion, and sexual orientation, I have seem many examples of bias, prejudice, and oppression. One example of prejudice that I have experience was when students make fun of my hearing. I often have students tell me I need hearing aides (before they know I have them) or tell me I have to turn them up. A lot of times I just a laugh it off, but sometimes it upsets me. They don't understand the concept that I have a heredity hearing loss and that they need to speak clearly to me instead of mumbling their words or speaking very softly. I get frustrated with myself when I have to have them repeat what they are saying or I saying something wrong because I fully didn't hear them. I also get embarrass. I know these are high school kids and I'm the adult, but sometimes, because of my hearing, they don't take me seriously or see me as a teaching authority figure.

In order to change this incident into an opportunity for greater equity, I would explain to the students hearing aide usage is on the rise because of all the loud music people listen to these days and with their headphones. Therefore, there are more people out there with hearing issues, but that doesn't make them less equal. I would tell the kids that we all have something wrong with us, but I don't make fun of them for it. We have to learn to respect people that are different from each other, and that next time they encounter someone who has hearing aides to speak slowly and clearly in order for the person to fully understand them, and to be patient with them, instead of making fun of them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Abby, I very sorry that this has ever happened to you and some children don't understand the damage they cause when they tease people and make fun or others! My daughter just experienced this at her school with people making fun of how skinny she is and how she didn't own a pair of Jordan shoes because I think it's crazy to send $200 on shoes. I don't think any child should ever experience this ever and it's heart breaking to see and hear of this happening. Abby I think that this is a wonderful idea of teaching children what is a hearing aid, why it is used, and how to approach someone with an earring aid would make things better to keep children from picking on other children. Thanks Abby for your helpful blog post!!
