Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Professional Hopes and Goals

One hope I have when I think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds is that I can learn from them, just as much as they can learn from me. I hope they can also have an open mind about the different backgrounds as I do, and that we can recognize each other's differences, and develop a respectful relationship.

One goal I would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice is to continue promoting equity and diversity in the classroom. We learned that children start to develop prejudice and bias at a young age, so if we can end these, then our children will help end discrimination in our world, and will then pass their knowledge onto their children and future generations.

I wanted to thanks all my colleagues for all the support and ideas you brought to the table throughout this class. I always enjoy learning from you, and hearing your personal stories. Hearing some of your stories about how people discriminated you broke my heart, and I don't understand how people can be so cruel sometimes. We all now have a better understanding about diversity and equity, and hopefully we can help end discrimination and prejudice in our world! Best of luck as we continue on this journey!


  1. Abby,

    I really like what you said regarding your goal to continue promoting equity and diversity in the classroom. You were right when you said that taking on the responsibility of helping children dispel or avoid developing bias and prejudice is one step toward helping them end discrimination. It is an enormous undertaking in general, but starting small with one classroom or group of students is a positive step in the right direction.
    Best of luck to you as you continue on in the program and your professional life.

  2. It is an uphill climb to work, parent, and educate ourselves, but we are all very close to the end! Thanks for sharing this journey with me, and I am sure we will see/work with each other next course!!

  3. Hi Abby, I love your hopes and goals, it's exciting to know that your hope is to continue to learning more information to help children and their families. We are so right we need to put a stop to prejudice in every way so the world can all one day be anti-bias. Thank you for your feedback, discussions, and blog post every week and I wish you the best on your journey!!!
