Friday, June 19, 2015

Welcoming Families From Around the World

The country of origin my family is coming from is China.

In order to prepare myself to be culturally responsive towards this family I will:
1)      Research information about China, their culture, religion, language, traditions, and foods, to get a better understand of the family and their culture they were accustomed to.
2)      Also, by researching information about their culture, I can incorporate toys, books, and other activities into my classroom lessons in order to make them feel comfortable, and also teach the other student about the new student’s family culture.
3)      Prepare information for them in Chinese in case they are not fluent in English, and have either a translator or technology, such as an iPad with a translation app, in order to communicate with the child and family.
4)      Arrange a time where I can visit them in their new home and they can show me some of their culture traditions and I can better understand their culture and see it firsthand.
5)      Have the family fill out a questionnaire in additional to get an even better idea about the family.

I am hoping that by making these preparations I am helping the family make their move to the United States easier, and feel more comfortable that I understand what they are going through, and trying not to make it so overwhelming. It will also show the family that I care, and thus hopefully be the first step in developing a good relationship with the family. I will benefit from this because I would have to learn more about a culture that I’m not too familiar with, and be able to incorporate this new culture into the classroom, and teach other children about them. 

1 comment:

  1. Abbly,
    Great post and great idea. The great idea that you teach the other students about the new student’s family culture. Children will also get excited to learn about their new friend's culture. This not only a transition for the new student but also a transition for other students in the class as well.
