Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Practicing Awareness of Microaggression

I don't necessarily remember the specifics of what happen, but microagressions that often happen to me pertain to me hearing and having hearing aides. When I mention someone that I have hearing aids I often get "oh I only thought old people had them". At first it made me and embarrass because I felt like people were picking on me for having hearing aids.. I eventually learned that I should just explain to people that I have a heredity hearing loss, which runs in the family, and I had no control over it. Often times now when people mention this, especially my students, I explained to them that generation will actually have more hearing aid wearers because of all the loud music they listen to through their headphones.

After paying close attention this week to microaggressions, I realized that discrimination, prejudice, and stereotypes still exist and happen everywhere. The simplest thing of calling someone else a name and not mean it can be a microaggression. For example, I had a bi-racial student tell how in one class she was told to go back the Africa by white student. I asked her how she handled it,and she told me went off on the student because she was sick and tired of people making jokes and comments. We never know when something we say is going to offend anyone, so we have to be very careful in what we say, and think about what we are going to say before we say it!

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