Saturday, May 16, 2015

My Family Culture

If I had to only chose three small items to take to me to another country I would choose a teddy bear, a photo of my extended family, and my recipe box. I would choose the teddy bear because it is made after my grandma passed it away, and it was made for one of her nightgowns. My grandma helped shaped who I am today, and the bear is constant reminder of the memories I have of her and my grandpa, and all the traditions they taught us, and I would be able to share those with people in another country. I would bring a family photo in order to keeps those family members close and near to by heart, but it will also help me remember all memories and traditions I created with them that help  shape who I am today, and I can explain those traditions as well to people in another country. Finally, I would bring my recipe box because I have recipes in it that have been passed down through generations and I could still create those dishes in a new country with the people there.

If I was told when I got to a new country I could only have one those items, I think I would chose the recipe box. I would choose this because I can always share my memories with people and those I won't forget. I don't have all the recipes in the box memorized, and thus I would need the recipes in order to share those dishes from my culture with other people.

After completing this exercise I realized that I was raised that family is everything. They are the ones that will always be there for you through the ups and downs and life, and they can't disown you. I also realized that my  family is what shaped me to be the person I am today. We have traditions that have been passed down through generations and continue to be passed down. Some of our traditions may not be part of the dominant culture, thus it could be difficult if we were forced to move to a new country, but hopefully we try our best to carry out those traditions in a new country as well and maybe adapting new traditions as well.

1 comment:

  1. Abby,

    I was struck by the items you chose to bring and your reasons for choosing those items. Reading your post helped me understand how important your family is to you, and the items you chose represent the importance of your family in your life. I also like the attitude you chose in terms of carrying on your traditions in a new country in additions to adding some new ones that you learn along the way.Thanks for sharing your thoughts this week.
