Saturday, December 19, 2015

Reflecting on Learning

Throughout this course I earned so much and have gained a deeper meaning on anti-bias education. I learned that we may not have all the answers or may be the best at promoting anti-bias education, but we can start doing it now (Laureate Education, 20111). By starting anti-bias education now in the classroom, we can learn along with the children and learn what strategies work and didn't work (Laureate Education, 2011). If we we don't start teaching anti-bias education now, and keep putting it off until we think we eliminated all our personal biases, then we will probably never start, because we probably won't ever know enough (Laureate Education, 2011). I hope that I can share the knowledge I learned in this class with children and family that I may work with, and leave a great impact on them, and teach them that we can eliminate personal biases and stereotypes against each other. I hope that families and children become more accepting of the fact that we live in a diverse society, and that we treat everyone fairly.

I would like to give my colleagues a huge THANK YOU! My life has been very chaotic these past eight weeks with teaching, coaching, planning my wedding that is happening in just eight weeks, and taking this class. You all made this class very enjoyable, and I love hearing what you had to say. Your support kept me going over the last eight weeks! So, thank you for all your support, and I wish you nothing but the best as you finish out this journey/program!


Laureate Education, Inc. (2011). Strategies for working with diverse children: Your commitment to anti-bias work. Baltimore, MD: Author 

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