Saturday, December 12, 2015

Impacts on Early Emotional Development

I chose to look at the Latin American and Caribbean  region. I chose this region because I have had several friends and family members visit this region. My brother even working a medical mission trip for a week in Honduras, and he has told me many stories of the lack of resources people from this region have. While he was in Honduras, they ran a medical clinic (he's currently in medical school) and he often commented on the amount of children they treated. He also told me about how he interacted with the children who were waiting on their parents who were receiving treatment. I know the trip left a lasting impression on him, and he said he would do it all over again if he could go again because these people really need our help.

Looking at some of the challenges that children in this regions of the world are confronting are malnutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies,thus impacting their growth and development (UNICEF, 2015). They are faced with challenges of AIDS and HIV, natural disasters like hurricanes, low access to education, and living in poverty (UNICEF, 2015).

I feel these experiences might have a great affect on children's emotional well being and development for many reasons. First is that they may have to deal with parents beings sick, and maybe even caring for their sick parents. This can take a toll on the child because they may be force to grow up quicker than they want too, but also fear the risk of losing a parent. Losing a parents can be very emotional for anyone, but I feel it would be especially hard for a child, because they still rely on the parent for emotional support and care. Another way it could affect children's emotional well being and development is that by the lack of nutrition, the children are getting the right nutrients they need to develop properly. Thus, it could result in certain disabilities or parts not developed properly. This could led children to being teased by others, and lower their self-esteem.

It just breaks my heart knowing that there are countries that lack so many resources, when we have so many here in the United States. The early childhood stage is such a vital stage in making sure our children develop properly and successful, and when you lack the resources for that, it can really affect the child's life. By doing this assignment I have learned that as an early childhood professional, I need to make sure all children have the resources they need to develop successful. If I notice a family or children lack things they need, I can help that child and family in order to make sure the child gets all the needed resources to develop successful and fully.

UNICEF. (2015). UNICEF: Latin American and Caribbean. Retrieved from


  1. Abby,

    I found your blog to be enlightening. It is sad the challenges that children are faced with associated to poverty, lack of health care, and education. Working in conditions such as your brother will leave a lasting impression on anyone. It was great to hear your brother will do it all over again.

  2. Abby,
    I enjoyed reading about the challenges children face in the Latin America and Caribbean region. It is important for children to have their needs met. Cooper, Masi & Vick (2009) show that children who don't get what they need in early childhood face consequences of this throughout their lives. As educators we should try to connect families with groups who can help them provide what their children need.

    Trustees of Columbia University, The. (2010). National Center Center for Children Children in PovertyPoverty (NCCP). Retrieved from:

  3. When I read this, I thought of so many of my students and their families. It reminded me why they make the difficult decisions to leave their homes and come here to try for a better life!
