Friday, August 7, 2015


The last stage of team development, is adjourning. I think groups that are high-performing and have the clearest established morns are the hardest to leave because you all worked so hard together to achieve the goal and probably became pretty close to each other in the process. I remember in high school I was a part of the FCCLA student organization. I became great friends with many of the girls in the group, and some are still my best friends today. My senior year in high school, most of my friends and I were the officers. At our end of the year awards banquet, we always have a ceremony where the officers hand over their position to the newly elected officers. It was a bittersweet good-bye because the organization taught me so much, and I was leaving some friends behind when I went off to college, but it was nice knowing I helped build the successful group, and we were handing over the reigns to a new group of officers/leaders.

I feel I have gotten to know a lot of my colleagues throughout this journey. Some I have been with since I started this journey. Its nice knowing that I am not alone in this journey, and have colleagues to help me and support me through this journey. I will owe a huge thank you to everyone at the conclusion of this program because you all have taught me numerous of different things in many different ways, and have made me a better person. Overall, I think adjourning is essential stage in teamwork because we all get a chance to say thank you for all the work we have done, and for the help we gave and received.


  1. Abby, I agree that groups where you have reached goals with are hard to leave. I do think that working that hard for the same vision helps you become closer to the team members and bond. I feel the same way about everyone we have classes with at Walden. It's very nice to know others are going through the same thing and I feel we can support each other because of that. Good post!

  2. Abby,

    Saying goodbye to close friends is difficult. Through adjourning we can reflect on our time together good and bad. Also adjourning from a successful group is hard because it's successful and we want to continue the success. We hope the group following us will have the same success. I agree that adjourning is an essential stage in teamwork. Great post!

  3. A lot of team building rests upon relationships and supporting each other. Relationships can be built and be made stronger through more challenging situations. So adjourning and closure is very important. It gives everyone a chance to acknowledge the work done, appreciate each other's support, and bid farewell. Thanks for your post!
