Friday, August 21, 2015

Personal Thank You

I want to take the time and thank all my colleagues for their support throughout the class. I enjoyed learning about your communication experiences, and how you over came communication roadblocks. I know the knowledge we learned in this class will be successful as we continue on this journey and in our professional lives. I wish nothing but the best for you! Good luck!


  1. Abby, I want to thank you for all your encouraging and kind comments you've made not only in this class but the program as a whole. I'm so glad we have been in the same groups! You've been very supportive and I've really appreciated that. Thinking of you as your wedding approaches!

  2. Abby,
    Thanks for being a great colleague. I've enjoyed reading your blogs and discussions, they were very informative. I wish you well in your specialization are and your wedding day.
