Saturday, March 26, 2016

National and Federal Level Community of Practice

The first national organization I found that appeals to me is the Human Rights Campaign. Since I am focusing on teaching children about how to accept people who are LGBT, this organization could provide some valuable information. This organization represents the LGBT organization and to ensure that their rights are being met (Human Rights Campaign, 2016). It gives a lot of information about some of the basic rights LGBT people are denied, the struggles they go through, and success story. I feel this organization could offer a great insight on some of the struggles LGBT people go through to help show why my project is needed.

Another federal organization that I found interesting is the National LGBTQ Task Force. Just like the Human Rights Campaign, it is another organization that helps fight for the rights if the LGBT population. It the oldest advocacy group for the LGBT (National LGBTQ Task Force, 2016). This organization can also help people in my community of practice see the struggles the LGBT have been going through for decades, and the importance of needing to teach our children about accepting others.

The final organization that I am interested in is the National Association of Education for Young Children. The NAEYC is an organization that ensures that our young children are receiving high-quality education (NAEYC, 2016). This organization interests me because it wants to make sure our children are receiving the best possible education and being prepared for the future (NAEYC, 2016).

I am still not looking for a new job, as I am currently still enjoying what I am doing, but if had to choose a job, I think working for the NAEYC would be a great group to work for. I think ti would be neat to adovcate for young children and feel successful when victories happen regarding early childhood education. In order to be prepared for a job at NAEYC, I will definitely need to start teaching early childhood education first, and interact with young children more. I would also need to work on my communication and research skills in order to prepare for a job with this organization.

Human Rights Campaign. (2016). HRC Story. Retreived from

NAEYC. (2016). About NAEYC. Retrieved from

National LGBTQ Task Force. (2016). Mission and History. Retrieved from

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Communities of Practice

One organization I could join to help me with my project is the Ohio Association for the Education for Young Children. This would be a great organization because it is an organization that is composed of center directors, administrators, teachers, social workers, and family care providers, which could offer many insights into my project of developing an anti-bias curriculum (Ohio AEYC, 2016). I could bounce ideas off of those who are specialized in the field, and take many different opinions into consideration when developing my curriculum.

Another group I could join is the Shelby Country Board of Developmental Disabilities. This organization is in my home county in Ohio, and it services the teachers to many area preschool centers (SCBDD, 2016). I feel this would be another great group to gt involved in because it will allow me to interact with teachers in the area, and see what they are in the need for. It will also allow me to geta baetter idea of what type of personal biases they are seeing in the classroom, and what i should focus my project on.

The final group that I could get involved in is Ohio Association of Child Care Providers. This is another state organization that is composed of directors and business owners of child care centers (OACCP, 2016). I feel that by getting involved in this association, I can interact with business leaders and directors, and propose my project idea to them. They could offer any available insights they may think I need when planning my anti-bias curriculum. 

One job opportunity I found that I am interested in would be a Lead Teacher position at a preschool center in the area. I feel this position would allow me to work on my anti-bias curriculum, as well as developing the teaching skills with preschoolers. In order to get this position I feel I would need to get some more experience in the early childhood field as far as teaching goes, and maybe start out as as an assistant to get to that lead teaching position. 

OACCP. (2016). What is OACCP?. Retrieved from

Ohio AEYC. (2016). About Ohio AEYC. Retrieved from!copy-of-about-us/c5ah

SCBDD. (2016). Shelby County Board of Developmental Disabilities: Vision, Mission, and Core Values. Retrieved from