Thursday, April 2, 2015

Research Around the World

For this week’s blog assignment, I chose to look at early childhood research topics in Australia. After researching the site, some of the currently research topics that are happening there are international teaching, sustainability, forming partnerships, play and quality, transitions, asthma and asthma management, children’s rights, flexibility practices and patterns, and reconciliation (cultural awareness).

One thing that surprised me when exploring the website is that they have a series of publications that talk about the above research topics, and how early childhood professionals can use the research in the classroom. The books offer insight of the research topic, the findings, the benefits, and ways they can incorporate the finding into their centers, teaching, or lives. I think this is a great resource they offer early childhood professionals in their country, and a way for early childhood professional to stay informed on recent research and the findings.

Other information I found on the website is that it is not only beneficial for early childhood professionals, but it has a lot of resources for parents as well. Some resources includes information about children health and nutrition, how to deal with separation anxiety, and how to deal with transitions to schools. 

Early Childhood Australia, (2015). Educator resources. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Abby,

    This is a great website with a wealth of information for early childhood professionals. I enjoyed searching and reading through the website. Current international research topics shows that globally we have the same issues and we want to be advocates for early childhood education. Great post.
