Friday, March 13, 2015

My Personal Research Journey

For my research stimulation, I am looking at how math assessment scores varying among students in different kindergarten program. I am more specifically looking at programs that are full-time everyday programs versus half-time everyday programs. I chose this topic because in the last 20 years, the school district I attended and currently live in has changed their program numerous of time. First it was half-time everyday, then it was full-time every other day, and now starting this year it is full-time everyday. The last change was because the State of Ohio mandated that all kindergarten programs are to be full-time everyday programs. This started getting me thinking about whether the change was a good change or not, and is it really benefiting our children. So I decided to focus one one subject, and I chose math. Are are students really scoring better in math related assessments because of this extra time, or are the score remaining the same? If scores are remaining the same, they why are we in a full-time everyday program? These are just a few questions of mine I hope to answer throughout the next six weeks, as I conduct this research stimulation.

I ask from my colleagues if you could share any information you have on this topic, that would be great. What type of program did you attend in kindergarten, or maybe what type of programs your children have attended? How do you think kindergarten has changed over the years? Do you think a full-time everyday program is the more efficient? Why or why not? I hope to share resources as I find them! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Abby, I think your focus is definitely a valid question in early childhood. I worked in a school district that went from half day every day to full day every day about 11 years ago. At first we weren't sure how the kids would adjust and every year it is difficult for them to go from preschool into a full time kindergarten but they seem to adjust quickly once they realize the structure and routine of kindergarten. The kiddos are learning, no doubt, but with state standards I have to wonder if we aren't pushing them too hard at that age. I struggle with developmentally appropriate practice compared with what the state requires.
