Friday, September 12, 2014


The topic I chose is breastfeeding. This topic is meaningful to me because I feel that an important bond is created between the mother and child when breastfeeding. It gives infants that sense of security and love. Also, research has shown that by breastfeeding increases the infant's immune system and reduces the risks of allegories and respiratory diseases (Johnson, Sternberg, 2014). It has also shown to reduce the risk of the mother develop heart disease in the future (2014). So in the end, it's a win-win for both the mother and the infant.

In Afghanistan, women don't understand the important of breastfeeding in the first few days of life because of the lack of trained midwives to help (Dehn, 2009). Instead, they are often feeding newborns tea instead of the colostrum. and are waiting until their milk comes to start breastfeeding (2009). The tea can cause the infant diarrhea, and can hinder breast stimulation in the woman, resulting in the infant not getting enough calories. (2009). Due this concept, the mortality rate is very high in the first 2 weeks of an infant's life (2009).

I feel this information will impact my future work because if I am working with infants, I need to understand the importance of using breast milk. I know that when the woman goes back to work, it's often hard to keep up with giving the infant breast milk and pumping so they can have it while the mother is at work. I could support these mothers to continuing pumping in order to provide milk for their infants and explain to  the benefits of the wonderful thing they are doing for their child and themselves.

Dehn, B. (03 Sept 2009). Breastfeeding around the world. The Huffington Post. Retrieved

Johnson, M., & Sternberger, S. (12 Sept, 2014). Why breast-feeding is important mom's
     heart-health. U.S. News.  Retrieved from


  1. Breast-feeding has becoming especially popular among women who gives birth to a baby. I breast-feed my daughter because of the pleasure and closeness I experience during feeding sessions and I lost my weight. Great post!

  2. Hi Abby,
    I certainly believe that there is a strong bond between a mother and child when she breast feeds. When I was in the hospital having my first born in 1988, I was told that breast feeding was the best formula for a child because it was natural without dangerous chemicals. However, I could not bear the thought of the discomfort. Wonderful post!!!!

