Saturday, September 6, 2014

Birthing Experiences

I haven't really participated in any birthing experiences besides my own. It was actually kind of nice talking to my mom about how I was born, because I really never knew the whole story, just vague details. Mom was originally due on December 10, 1987 with me. However, she woke up the morning of December 3rd in labor. She said she remembered dropping my older brother off at the sitter's house, and told my dad that she wasn't going to work, and that they were going to the hospital. So her and dad headed to Joint Township Memorial Hospital in St. Marys, OH. (A little background information, mom was in labor for over 24 hours with my older brother (her 1st child), and ended up having a C-section because she wasn't dilating.) After a few hours at the hospital, and trying the drug synthetic prostaglandin to help her dilate, they decided to go ahead with a C-section. When I asked mom why so early, because at this point she has been in labor for about 6 hours, she was like this wasn't my first rodeo, so why lay around and be in labor when it wasn't going to go anywhere. So, she had a C-section, and I was born, a healthy beautiful girl, at 10:39 AM on December 3, 1987.

This led to Mom and I having a discussion about due dates. You see, my older brother was born on December 1st, I was on December 3rd, my younger brother, Craig, was born on October 15th, and my youngest brother, Mark, was born on December 3rd. Mom said we all came about a week early, expect my older brother. I have always asked mom if it was intentional that Mark was born on my birthday, and if she had planned that. She said that she actually had a C-section schedule for December 4th for Mark, and she said she remembered asking the nurse why the doctor was waiting that long since she was a week early with the last two (Mark's due date was also December 10th) and she didn't want to go into labor. The nurse informed my mom that the reason the doctor scheduled it for the 4th was because he was going to be out of town until then. You probably can figured out by now what happened. Mom went into labor on the 3rd, had a C-section, and I was blessed with a baby brother, who I now share my birthday with.

I chose this example, well because, it has been the only birthing experience I have ever been a part of. Obviously, I don't remember my own birth, or those of my brothers. However, I have had a bunch of cousins who have recently had babies and all had different experiences. But they all said the same thing, they will all do it over again, because nothing beats the feeling of meeting your child for the 1st time, and you are just overwhelmed with joy and love in that minute. I think child birth is a trying and can be a difficult time, but in the end, it's so awarding, and you can say you have brought this beautiful baby into the world and you can give it all the love you can and help it start developing in the instant.

The country I chose to look at about how births happen is China. During labor, women would often drink a strong herbal potion that helps ease the pains of labor, and that the women should not fear the birthing process, because they see this as their career. Women will also give birth in an armchair our a futon, and not a hospital bed like most people in the U.S. does. Fathers are normally not involved in the first birth, but may be involved in later births of other children. This is a big difference from the U.S. where most fathers participate in the birthing experience and helping when they can. Researching the Chinese birthing experience made me realize that there are many different theories and assumptions about the birthing experience. Some based the experience off of science, while others believe God is in charge. However, the one thing we all have similar, is that we are all striving for the same ending. A healthy baby to love and see grow.


Brown, L. (NA). Childbirth Traditions Around the World: China. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Hi Abby,

    I also wrote about my own birth, and it was interesting what all my mom went through to have me. She couldn't have any more kids after me, but I'm a bit glad for that! Lol. I love being a spoiled only child. ;) Your mom went through a lot to have you and your brothers, and she is lucky to have all of you! Having babies isn't easy, but someone has to do it, and it is always worth it. :)
