Friday, July 18, 2014

Personal Childhood Web

#1: My Parents
 I guess I am lucky enough to have two really awesome parents. They were the ones that have loved me since the beginning. They taught me right from wrong, installed the values I have today, and supported me in whatever I decided to do throughout life, even if they wanted to roll their eyes. Without my parents, I most for sure wouldn't be the person I am today! I know we might have not always have gotten along, but in the end, they are always there! The best part is, they are always still supporting even as an adult (such as letting me move back home at then end of the month to save money)!

Dad and I at Christmas in 1988. I had just turned 1.
When I was 5, I spent the Christmas of 1992 in the hospital. I had my appendix removed on Christmas Eve night. Mom and Dad took turns spending time with me at the hospital, while the other took the boys to the Christmas parties. I had received this game for Christmas, and had it mastered by the time I left the hospital. The boys eventually gave up playing it with me because I always won!
#2: Older Brother Daniel
Daniel, beginning the older brother he is, was (and still is) very protective of me. If he knew I was going to get hurt or be in danger, he sure was the one that stopped me, even though he did it himself. Daniel was very smart and very athletic, so growing up, I wanted to be just like him! Following in his footsteps was tough, but I think I did a pretty good job. The one thing I remember most about Daniel telling me how much he loved me was when I was in a really bad car accident in 2006. I was on my way on from college on the day of his birthday. Once I was able to get my phone back, I had this message waiting on me: “Hey sis, I love ya and always will. I’m sorry I’m not there tonight and do my big brother duties, but get well and I will always be there for ya and call me when you get this. I love you forever.” We may not always get along, but we still love each other, and I continue to want to follow in his footsteps!

One of our many weekends we spent at the ball diamonds rooting on Dad's softball teams!
#3: Younger Brothers Craig and Mark
Although younger, Craig and Mark still played an important part of my childhood. I am sure without them, Daniel and I probably would have killed each other. With being the only girl in my family, I had to hold my ground with my brothers. I would often bargain with them in order to get them to play what I wanted. Craig was, and still is the happy go lucky guy. He always reminds me that there is always a good that comes out of a bad time. He lives life the fullest. Mark, is by far the brains and the athlete of the family (He played DII basketball, and starts medical school in the fall). Although, I don't think he would be where he is today if it wasn't for his older sibling paving the path for him. Ever since he was little, he was always so goal oriented. He taught me to never give up on things and to continue to work hard towards them! Without them, I probably wouldn't be the the laid back, goal oriented, and bargaining person I am today!

I got them to play dress-up one night! Order: Mark, Daniel, Me, and Craig

 #4: My Godparents
 Growing up in a Catholic family, my parents selected my Uncle Randy and my Aunt Shorty to be my godparents. These two people played an important part in the childhood because they were the ones that encouraged to me have fun. From the new toys they got me, to spending time with them, we always had fun! They still constantly remind me to have fun in life even now when I'm an adult!

Uncle Randy at my 1st Birthday Party
Aunt Shorty was my Confirmation sponsor 
#5:Grandma and Grandpa Frilling
I grew up just a little over a mile from my grandparents. So, as you can imagine, I spent a lot of time over there in the summers. My brothers and I would often times ride our bikes to their house and spend the day there helping Grandma and Grandpa. They were both loving grandparents, and always excited to have us over. Sometimes, Grandma would be cooking for like 15 of us cousins on any given day during the summer. Being the oldest granddaughter, I was always Grandma's helper in the the kitchen. Probably one of the reasons I love to cook today! They also taught me to live life to the fullest and have fun. They both past away very sudden. Grandma died in August 2006, and Grandpa died in July 2008. I think they're love for me still shows even though they are gone. When I was in a really bad car accident December of 2006, I remembered crawling out of the car and searching for my cell phone to call home. After Grandma had died, I had change the screen on my phone to a picture of her. I found my phone flipped open laying in the middle of road, and the 1st face a saw was my Grandma's face. To this day, I believe Grandma loved me so much, she's the reason I survived that car accident. They a deeply missed, but we all know their love still shows every now and then.

Grandma Frilling and I and their house!

Grandma and Grandpa Frilling after I made my 1st Communion in 2nd grade

#6: 1st Grade Teacher: Mrs. Daughtery
 When I entered 1st grade, I was blessed with having Mrs. Daughtery as my teacher. She is probably the reason I love to read and try new things. She encouraged me to be friends with people I may not has associated with. She was also my OM coach. In OM we were on teams, and had to create a skit relating the a series of prompts and requirements that were given. Mrs. Daughtery taught me how to be creative and how to work together as a group! She is still teaching today, and I always enjoy running into her, just because she had such a huge influence on my life, and is one of the teachers I am greatly thankful for!

Our OM team! 

#7: Best Friend Amanda
Amanda and I have known each other since kindergarten when we went to the same baby sitter. Although we weren't in the same class, we became friends quickly at the sitter's. Through the early grades we weren't super close, just because we weren't in the same class, but by 3rd grade we were best friends, doing about everything together. We actually started challenging each other to be better than the other, so it made us try just as hard. Amanda taught me to always stand up for myself, and to always follow your heart. Besides calling my parents, she was the next person I called after my car accident, because she was waiting to pick me up! She is my go to person when I need help with a problem or issue or to just vent! We often say we are sisters, just from different parents! 

I couldn't find a good picture of us from when we were little, but here's a picture of us now! We have lived together for the past 3 years, although we are both moving back home to our parents house at the end of the month to save money for big life events! So excited to get to be her Maid of Honor next November when she gets married!

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