Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Me in a Nutshell

A Little About Me:

Hi all, and welcome to my blog!!! My name is Abby Frilling, and from the small town of Fort Loramie, OH. I have never really left the town besides going to away to Ball State University in Muncie, IN for my bachelor's degree. I graduated in 2010 from Ball State University with degree in Vocational Family and Consumer Sciences. Since graduating, I have been teaching Family and Consumer Sciences to high school students. I'm currently employed by the Upper Valley Career Center as a satellite teacher, where I teach at Piqua High School in Piqua, OH. In my free time I love to go camping, spend time with family and friends, going on walks and bike rides, and read books! I also have a secret obsession with quarter auctions and Pampered Chef items!
I grew up out in the country on a dead end road with my parents and 3 brothers. My parents have been married for 31 years! I am the 2nd child, so the order is Daniel, Me, Craig, and Mark. It was crazy growing up with 3 brothers, but I probably wouldn't be as big as a sports fan as I am if it wasn't for them. No worries, I held my ground with them...anytime I had to play basketball, baseball, or hockey with them, they had to play house, school, or Barbies with me!

My family at my older brother's wedding from June 2013. Excited to announce they are expecting their 1st child at the end of September/early October! Can't wait to be an aunt and spoil the little peanut!!

I don't quite remember how old I am in this picture, but judging by the looks of the amount of hair I have, i would guess I was about 1 1/2 years old. I was a baldy baby girl! I barley had any hair when I was 6 months old! Cool thing, riding bikes is still one of my favorite activities to do!

Favorite Quotes: 
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela
 This quote was actually something I just found, and by already being a teacher it really shows the importance of education. Teaching high school students can sometimes be a struggle, because some of my students come from really rough backgrounds. I have known quite a few students who have dropped out when they turned 18, and I just wish they would truly realize how important education really is!!! It's something I lecture and lecture about everyday in my classroom!! I love this quote as well because it relates to all levels of education!

 This is another quote I feel is so true about young childern! They have such imaginations, and as adults sometimes we forget about this! I can't begin to remember all those times I played on the playground and we were imagining stories as we go. I use to play mermaids with my friends on the playground, and every recess, we continued with our story! Sometimes I was a princess, and other times I was capture and I needed saved! Oh, I could go on and on about these stories! I almost wish I could go back to those days. I feel we get so caught up in life and the future, we forget about the present, and I think we need to remember the young children live for the present. They aren't concern too much yet about future!

You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu
 Even when I'm upset with my family, I still find a way to love them. We may not always get along or be nice to each other, but they are still your family. Sometimes I feel that people don't realize that until someone is gone, and then you have ran out of time. 

Favorite Books:
The Berenstain Bears were by far my favorite books growing up as a child. Anytime I could get my hands on these books at the library, I totally would! Even too this day I still love them because they are always teaching a lesson of some sort. I may not have known it at the time, but now that I'm older, I totally understand them. My high school students thought I was nuts one day when I started reading a Berenstain Bears book...we were talking about how we spend on money and sometimes get greedy with it and that's what the book was a bout!

Story Time:
I haven't had a whole lot of experience with working with young childern, but I guess one story that has really touched my heart would be from my 1st grade bible school class last year. During bible school last year, we had a high school student in our community that was diagnosed with cancer. This student's younger sister happened to a friend to a lot of 1st graders. Throughout the week, I would always asked the students who we wanted to pray for for that day. Their responses changes each day...moms, dads, brothers, sisters, pets, grandparents, etc. The one name that kept coming up everyday however was Connor and his family. By the end of the week, students had created cards for Connor (he was scheduled to have a surgery during that week), and even created cards for their friend (his sister) because they knew she was going through a tough time as well with all of this. They might not have fully understood the situtation or how severe his illness was, but their compassion for him and his family is something I would never forget that week. Most of these kids didn't know who Connor was, but were willing to do something for him. I think this was one of the things the fueled me even further into getting a Master degree in early childhood! 

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