Wednesday, April 22, 2015

When I Think Research

Looking back throughout this course I learned a lot of things about research. Quite honestly, I didn't know whole lot about researching at the start. Yes, I have written research papers before, but nothing from a study point-of-view. I realized that there are many different ways you can conduct a research study, and that it is important that you make your study valid. If you data/study isn't valid, then the information you discovered will not be accurate or usable. You also have to take into account the safety of the participants and if what you are trying to prove is really worth it for the children and putting them through the study.

My views of about research changed in a couple of ways. First, I realize that conducting a study is a lot more working than I ever imagine. I know in high school we created a hypothesis, tested, and recorded you findings. However, a real research study is far more than that. I realized that you have to have the data and research on why you are conducting the study, find participates and get their consent, and conduct the study. I also realized that you have to leave your personal bias behind, and it can't be brought into the study. My view about research changed but for the better. I realized the more detailed we are now, the more valid our study will be, the information could make a difference for our children and future children.

One challenge I encountered while working on my research stimulation was how can I ensure that my results remain valid. When talking about different kindergarten programs, you are obviously going to have different teachers teaching the classes. So my challenge was how do I ensure that the teacher and their teaching styles don't hind the study in anyways? I decided that I would allow the teachers to use different teaching styles, but I would have to have some control over them to ensure that isn't factor that affects the results.

After taking this course, my perception on early childhood professionals has been modified to that fact that early childhood professionals aren't just teachers. They are professionals that truly care about our children, and thus conduct research projects to help advocate for our children. I realized that early childhood professionals one goal is helping our children succeed and if that means we conduct research studies to learning and gain better information that will help our children succeed, then that's what we will we. I realize that researching and conducting studies is just one way an early childhood professional can contribute and help the field of early childhood.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Research Around the World

For this week’s blog assignment, I chose to look at early childhood research topics in Australia. After researching the site, some of the currently research topics that are happening there are international teaching, sustainability, forming partnerships, play and quality, transitions, asthma and asthma management, children’s rights, flexibility practices and patterns, and reconciliation (cultural awareness).

One thing that surprised me when exploring the website is that they have a series of publications that talk about the above research topics, and how early childhood professionals can use the research in the classroom. The books offer insight of the research topic, the findings, the benefits, and ways they can incorporate the finding into their centers, teaching, or lives. I think this is a great resource they offer early childhood professionals in their country, and a way for early childhood professional to stay informed on recent research and the findings.

Other information I found on the website is that it is not only beneficial for early childhood professionals, but it has a lot of resources for parents as well. Some resources includes information about children health and nutrition, how to deal with separation anxiety, and how to deal with transitions to schools. 

Early Childhood Australia, (2015). Educator resources. Retrieved from