Friday, October 24, 2014

Leaving You WIth a Thought

I found this quote/picture and it really hit home to me, because it is so true! Children are so precious and such a gift that as adults, parents, caregivers, and future early childhood professionals we need to advocates for them and help them develop to the best of their ability. Life is so precious, and what happens early on in a child's life and affect the rest of their lives! So we have to make sure we are doing things right!

I want to thank all my colleagues for the past 8 weeks! With being back in the classroom teaching this fall and trying to take this class, it has kept me pretty busy, but you guys have made it a wonderful experience and I enjoyed learning from each and everyone of you. I wish you nothing but the best as we continue through this journey together, and maybe our paths will cross again in future classes! Good luck!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Abby,

    This is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! Jewels are precious, however, children are the most precious love that we can have for a life time: memories, laughs, etc. are always a part of you. Holding on children is more valuable than jewels can ever be, even though it sometimes fade you still don't won’t to throw it away. It has been a great pleasure of being in this course with you, continue your dreams. Absolutely wonder post!!!!

