Friday, September 18, 2015

Start Seeing Diversity

Looking at all the topics we covered this week related to gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation, I feel I have learned a lot about the issue and my views have changed. However, I feel that there are still many people in our society that still have negative views and biases towards these topics.

If I had to respond to someone who thought that early childhood should avoid the inclusion of books depicting gay or lesbian individuals such as same-sex partnered families, I would explain to that person that times are changing, and we can't control them. We can't control the issue of gays and lesbians, and we have to stop wearing blinders, and realize that the issue is not going away. I would also explain to them that in order to have a society where we treat everyone equal, we have to be accepting, and that these books are the first stepping stones in showing our children that it is okay that children come from same-sex parents, and that they are just the same.

If I had to respond to a parent/family member to informed you they did not want anyone who is perceived homosexual or transgender to be caring for, educating, and/or interacting with their child, I would explain to them that I hired the person based of their knowledge, skills, and education in the early childhood field and not because of their sexual orientation. I would also explain to them that I feel this employee is exceptional qualified in teaching young children, and would receive the same education if they were in a different room or center. If the parents/family member doesn't agree with that, then they have the right to remove their child from the center.