Saturday, December 6, 2014

My Supports

I have a heredity nerve loss in my hearing, thus I have been wearing hearing aids for the past 4 ½, so my challenged I imagined was the my hearing got worse which could make communication more difficult. Obviously, I would need support from everyone I have mentioned to get me to overcome this challenge and in addition to technology and hearing professionals. My family, friends, and co-workers would provide the support of realizing that they may have to talk louder and slower in order for me the hear them and be able to read their lips. Technology and hearing professionals will provide the support of finding the right device to help with my hearing issue, so I can continue on with my daily life. Without these supports, I think communication would be difficult. People would not realize that I have a hearing issue, and just play it off as if I was weird, and not fully understand my situation. I feel without these supports in my life, my life would be different because I would probably not participate in conversation because I can’t hear, thus my social life wouldn’t exist, and I wouldn’t be able to continue to teach and develop relationships.